AEGIS Engineering has successfully worked with design teams and local authorities for projects throughout the western United States and internationally. Our experience in the cities of Bellevue, Issaquah, Kirkland, Redmond, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, and throughout the Pacific Northwest contribute to our being recognized as an expert in smoke control and fire protection engineering in the region. We deliver thoughtful analysis to support resolution of unique and complex fire protection, building code and smoke control system challenges.
AEGIS Engineering provides fire protection engineering services for all phases of project development, from site master planning through construction period services, from individual tenant improvements to high-rise building construction. These services extend beyond buildings to include various fire protection and smoke control systems, industrial processes, high-pile combustible storage, and hazardous materials, including compressed gases and aerosols and Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) consulting.
AEGIS Engineering evaluates existing facilities to assess compliance with applicable building codes, fire codes, and referenced standards. Our fire protection team evaluates existing processes, systems, and programs to help ensure their compliance and identify conditions/risks for the purpose of their elimination or control. We provide expert consultation with regard to design and implementation of effective fire and life safety systems, which promotes building code and fire code compliance and hazard mitigation.
In addition to contributing to confidence in the design of the project, AEGIS Engineering has effectively worked to develop phased occupancy plans, with attention to fire and life safety requirements during construction. We have also successfully served as a liaison on behalf of the project team to the fire department, assisting in obtaining the approval of different design solutions (alternate means and methods).
From design to commissioning, AEGIS Engineering is equipped to assist with all phases of a project across numerous industries and applications.
Assembly ■ Laboratory ■ Offices ■ Retail
Day Care ■ Higher Education ■ Private ■ Public
Civics ■ GSA ■ DoD ■ Municipalities
Hazardous Materials ■ Manufacturing ■ Storage
Ambulatory Care ■ Correctional ■ Hospitals
Air Force ■ Army ■ Navy ■ Coast Guard
Apartments ■ Community Development ■ Condominiums ■ Hospitality
Airports ■ Marinas ■ Railways ■ Tunnels
914 164th St SE
Ste B12 #205
Mill Creek, WA 98012
914 164th St SE Ste B12 #205
Mill Creek, WA 98012